Keynote Speakers

Semantic Web and Linked Data for Medical Education

Soren Auer, Subst. chair of Information Systems and Software Technology at Technical University of Chemnitz & Senior scientist and head of the research group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web at InfAI and Business Information Systems, University of Leipzig. Germany.

Dr. Soren Auer leads the research group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) at Universitat Leipzig. His research interests include semantic data web technologies, knowledge representation, engineering & management, usability, agile methodologies as well as databases and information systems. He aims to combine strong theoretical results with high-impact practical applications. Soren is author of over 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications resulting in a Hirsch index of 15. Soren is leading the large-scale integrated EU-FP7-ICT research project "LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data". Soren is founder (respectively co-founder) of several high-impact research and community projects such as the Wikipedia semantification project DBpedia or the social Semantic Web toolkit OntoWiki. He is co-organiser of several workshops, programme chair of I-Semantics 2008, OKCON 2010, ESWC 2010 and ICWE 2011, area editor of the Semantic Web Journal, serves as an expert for industry, the European Commission, the W3C and is member of the advisory board of the Open Knowledge Foundation.


The use of social media to disseminate and filter new research findings

Gunther Eysenbach, Editor & Publisher, Journal of Medical Internet Research (, & Prof. Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Canada.

Gunther Eysenbach MD MPH (a graduate of the University of Freiburg, Germany, and Harvard University, USA) is Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the Journal of Medical Internet Research, the #1 ranked ehealth journal, and producer of the Medicine 2.0 congress series, as well as a podcast producer. He is a Professor at the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, where he teaches and supervises PhD and Master's students in the area of eHealth and Medical Informatics, and a Senior Scientist at the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation in Toronto, where his research focuses on consumer health informatics and public health informatics. He is recognized by many as a leading scholar in health informatics. Eysenbach is the initiator of the WebCite system, an archiving service for scholarly authors and editors citing webpages, and a producer of the famous series of Medicine2.0 conferences. He has been a pioneer in the Web2.0 developmemt.


Epistemological and didactical foundation for Technology Enhanced Learning

Nicolas Balacheff, Grenoble Computer-science Laboratory, CNRS, France

Nicolas Balacheff is Directeur de Recherche (senior scientist) at CNRS, the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. He was Director of the Leibniz Laboratory in Grenoble (2000-2006) a multidisciplinary laboratory in computer science and discrete mathematics. In addition, he served as Co-Director of the Rhone-Alpes Chapter of Cognitive Science, and scientific manager of Kaleidoscope, the European Network of Excellence on technology-enhanced learning (2004-2007). He currently leads the Grenoble e-Science centre for Mathematics and computer-science (MI2S). Nicolas graduated in mathematics in 1970 and computer science in 1974. He got his PhD in computer-science in 1978 and the Doctorat es-science in 1988. Since 1975, his main research domain has been mathematics education, with a special emphasis on the learning of proof, and questions related to the modelling of students conceptions. In 1988 Nicolas began to focus on the design of learning environments, in relation to student knowledge modelling and teacher-machine cooperation. As a member of the scientific committee of the NATO special programme on "Advanced Educational Technology," serving as Chairman in 1992, he advocated the need for a comprehensive and multidisciplinary theoretical ground for research in Technology Enhanced Learning. In 1992 Nicolas joined the Laboratory LSD2, and then the Laboratory Leibniz as chair of the research team on computer-based environments for human learning. His main project, Baghera, was devoted to the design and implementation of a multi-agent environment for the teaching and learning of mathematics involving learners, teachers and artificial agents. He has also worked on the microworld project Cabri-geometre and an experimental platform for distant learning in the Academic Hospital of Grenoble. His current project is the development of the cKc model as a bridge between educational and computational efforts at student modelling. As a follow up the creation of the TEL Open Archive TeLearn, he is actively working on a multidisciplinary and multi-language dictionary of TEL terms in the framework the Stellar Network of Excellence. Nicolas is on the editorial boards of many journals, including the International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning. He has been on various programme committees at a national and an international level, such as "Artificial Intelligence and Education". He also has expertise for the European Commission, for the Italian CNR, Canadian FONDCAR and NSF projects. Nicolas is the current president of the Technology Enhanced Learning European Advanced Research Consortium which takes care of the legacy of Kaleidoscope.


Toward a Medical Simulation Metaverse

Nabil Zary, Assoc. Professor of Medical Simulation, Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden.

Dr. Nabil Zary is Associate Professor of Medical Simulation at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden. He is a senior research scientist at the Center for Medical Education and Health Informatics Center. He leads the multidisciplinary Innovative Technology and Practices research group at the department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME) at KI. Dr Zary is also the administrative director of Medbiquitous Europe. He was also the former technical director for the Wallenberg Global Learning Network (Stanford, Sweden and Germany).